How To Inscribe WEB3


The HTML WEB3 templates on this website can be inscribed into the blockchain after some simple modifications.

This page dwells on two Bitcoin blockchains for inscribing WEB3, the Bitcoin-BTC and the Bitcoin-BSV blockchain.

Bitcoin BSV is a fork of Bitcoin BTC and has a slightly different blockchain structure. To keep WEB3 accessible to everyone, we have chosen to include Bitcoin BSV as an inscribing option as well because of its low cost.

STEP 1 ◉ Choose from the various HTML-WEB3 templates on this website.

STEP 2 ◉ Customize the HTML-WEB3 template as desired. The HTML templates use scripts and images contained in the blockchain. Text is easily edited in the HTML editor (click here for editor) and images need to be inscribed in the blockchain first to which you specify the transaction number/id as source in the HTML-WEB3 code. For BSV ordinals you need to add “_0” after the transaction number/id, for BTC ordinals you need to add “i0“.

Transactionnumberfollowedby_0 FOR BSV (_0)
Transactionnumberfollowedbyi0 FOR BTC (i0)

DISCLAIMER ◉ Due to the high cost of the BTC network combined with a not too high budget, the decision was made to upload the HTML-WEB3 templates on the Bitcoin BSV blockchain including all references to scripts and images. If you want to inscribe the HTML-WEB3 template on the Bitcoin BSV blockchain, the stylesheets (css) and javascripts (js) do not need to be modified. If you want to inscribe the HTML-WEB3 templates on the Bitcoin BTC blockchain, you need to inscribe the scripts on the Bitcoin BTC blockchain as well and adjust the reference in the example HTML-WEB3 codes!

STEP 3 ◉ Once you have modified the HTML-WEB3 code to your liking, it is time to inscribe it on a Bitcoin blockchain. To inscribe the HTML on Bitcoin BTC you need to use the platform. For inscribing HTML on the Bitcoin BSV blockchain you need to use platform.

STEP 4 ◉ Once the HTML file is inscribed you can use the ORD-FS server to view your WEB3site through a WEB2 browser such as Chrome, Fire Fox, Brave or Safari. The transaction number/id of your inscription should include “_0” (for Bitcoin BSV) and “i8” (for Bitcoin BTC) as shown in the example below. FOR BSV (_0) FOR BTC (i0) (BSV) (BTC)